Why Would Anyone Choose You Over Other Brands?

Let’s put your leadership capabilities to a test.

To give the following guide some context I want you to remember that you only have one job description, which is to ensure that your brand resonates with existing and potential customers.

Skills, services, products, and solutions can be found anywhere but the decision to do business with an organization or individual is made on whether there is a fit with the ethos of a brand and the people behind the brand. Branding is telling a story and for you, it is essential to determine the voice for that story as it brings your brand to life.

In the previous introductory learning we talked about the branding workflow we showed how the roadmap starts with a brand discovery. Which is an exercise in clarity and articulating that clarity.

Are you crystal clear about……..

  • Exactly who your customer is?

  • What it is about your brand experience that resonates with that customer?

  • Can you articulate what specific problem you solve for them?

  • Why you do what you do?

You may ask what does all this branding speak have to do with my leadership skills and the answer is undeniably simple. If you are in a leadership position with any organization, especially your own company then you have a responsibility to build brand equity.

Since your role is to build brand equity it only makes sense that your business plan and the rhythm with which you execute that business plan is designed to continually enhance the brand experience inside and outside the organization.

Clarity on having the right roadmap to work from provides the ability to install a framework that addresses who you are, what problem you solve and how you solve it in a way that no one else can.

This provides the ‘why’ behind what you do. When your customer can identify with you then they are able to get an emotional sense of who you are and what you stand for. If you don’t have meaning and purpose as the backbone of what you do, we call it a hollow brand. Something no leader wants.

Where do you start and how do you get the necessary clarity to understand what makes your brand relevant?

Start by working through our brand discovery.

As you will see later in the brand building workflow, this process needs to be collaborative. Your stakeholders must have input. You don’t want to be the smartest person in the room (or think you are the smartest).

The brand discovery is the first step in building a brand from the inside out. The rest of the workflow is a way of doing business since it is inclusive of absolutely everything that goes on inside your business.

What is the benefit will you receive from the clarity you receive from doing this exercise?

Ability to articulate the problem you solve for potential customers.

The best way to think about this piece is that it needs to be extremely simple and concise. It is not a rambling story but rather a direct bullseye in the mind and heart of the customer so that when they get it, instantly they say “I need that”.

Gaining clarity and articulating what problem you solve also provides a focus point for the business plan so that no one in the organization goes chasing squirrels like Dug in the movie Up. Something I see over and over which greatly increases costs and makes any kind of forward movement sluggish.

It also provides a focus point for engaging the company culture.

Ability to understand the emotional benefit of solving this problem?

Every decision a human makes is emotional. Therefore this emotional benefit is exactly what you are selling. The customer needs the confidence that they are making the right choice by choosing you.

The most obvious example is Nike. They don’t sell clothing or running shoes. They are an aspirational brand. We aspire to a high level of fitness, we at least want to look like we do. Many want to aspire to the greatness of their sponsored athletes. Nike sells inspiration, determination, and pushing ourselves.

The best way to work with this emotional benefit is to always remember that it is what you are selling. Every touch point of your brand has to be focused on creating this emotional connection.

Ensure you solve the problem in a way no one else can?

This is your secret sauce or your unique selling proposition. Once again articulating this creates an emotional connection that the customer is making the right choice with your brand. You are in the business of selling confidence and helping the customer to feel good about their choice. This is also an ego check to make sure you aren’t hung up on an idea that customers cannot differentiate from the rest of the market.

A deep understanding of your audience?

You may say this is an obvious question to answer when in business. But actually how well do you know them? Their beliefs and values, their lifestyle, aspirations, interests, and decision making process?

Too many organizations segment by demographics or type of user. These are important to know but demographics are increasingly becoming irrelevant. The type of user can easily choose your competitor if the essence of your brand and who you are is not clear or does not align with who they are.

Drill down, then drill down again and then keep on drilling. Know exactly how you need to connect with your user.

Drawing attention to all the touchpoints of your brand?

Where does a potential customer come into contact with you? Your team, social media, website, your customer service, your entire experience. Where and how do they experience your brand?

What meaning and purpose are inherent in your organization?

What are you committed to? You would be amazed how many organizations (and individuals) don’t even have this on their radar. This is a hard look in the mirror and can be challenging work for some. Having support working through this exercise can be extremely valuable.

What is your why?

You may think this is a redundant question from the one above regarding articulating your purpose. But this question is for you personally. It isn’t a trick question and is very revealing when you put the two questions together.

What is your persona?

This is your voice. Is it fun or serious? Personal or corporate? Authentic or canned rhetoric? Does it align with your purpose and values? Is it you? Then how is this reflected in every touchpoint in your business?

The brand discovery does take some down time and focused collaboration in order to product quality outputs. Compare it to an individual. Would you want to go through life not knowing who you are? Where would you go and what would you do? Who would you hang out with. Well there is no difference with a brand. As an organization you need to be very clear on who you are ask how committed you are. If not you will likely wander in the desert like so many organizations. Relying on price discounting and promotions void of any kind of connection with the customer. Which is a downward spiral when they jump on your competitors next discount.

Once you are committed to who you are, then you are prepared to get working on the business plan. Too often leaders come out of the gate with a strategic plan and don’t even know what they want to be. They just want to be something.

Clarity creates confidence. In the next step of the workflow we move into communication. You will be exposed to some valuable communication skills that you may have never seen before. In fact I call them life changing because once leaders start using insights in their professional and personal life their effectiveness goes to uncommon levels.

As you work through the brand discovery you will come to realize the high level value it brings to your company vision, marketing, human resources, services or products, and your company culture.

As always we are here to support you in your journey to another level. Also our social channels are loaded with tips and insights on how to use these valuable tools.
