Your Trusty Roadmap For Building A Relevant Brand

It may not be fancy stuff ……..

but when this roadmap is in the hands of bold and audacious leadership, the competition better be worried!

Before starting on this plan it is imperative to remember two things:

  1. Being relevant is the most important strategy you can have so remember everything you do must resonate with your audience.

  2. The only goal your business plan must have is to build brand equity.

This is why our trusty brand-building roadmap is designed to ensure you execute your business plan at a very exacting level.

In the following parts of this series we will explore each component individually, but today this top-level view will give you both the clarity and the confidence to see that these business practices will ensure everything you do speaks to your brand.

Roadmap Elements

  1. Brand Discovery - develop the relevance and essence of your brand.

  2. Communication Norms - establish the rules of the game and how your team communication will add value to the business plan execution.

  3. Culture Engagement - this is where your unique modern leadership style is developed and your guiding principles are cemented.

  4. Resources - defining the requirements for internal and external resources. This is your equity plan for people, technology, marketing & branding, finances, operations, and leadership.

  5. Business Rhythm - develop a cadence for your processes to ensure a high level of execution for your business plan in order to build brand equity.

You can see how this roadmap will enhance the brand equity of any product, service, company, or individual. Anything can be accomplished using this method because it creates a powerful capacity within the organization. However, it relies on your ability to understand and execute each stage at a high level of sophistication.

It isn’t complicated but it does take uncommon leadership to run an organization like this and it is why there are so few companies with strong brand equity. We call it Modern Leadership. Once you begin to take on this type of leadership philosophy you will see why the old-school leaders that are still hanging around are such dinosaurs. As the saying goes “The fish rots from the head down”

More valuable insights regarding each section of this roadmap to relevance are coming soon. Like anything in life and business, they need the application of what the Japanese call Kaizen. Which is the practice of ongoing continual improvement to take your brand to an entirely new level.

